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Medical Reiki

What is Medical Reiki?

Medical Reiki™ is the practice of bringing the soothing power of Reiki into an operating room by a Certified Medical Reiki Master™ attuned to the power of Reiki and trained to transmit its nurturing abilities to the patient during surgery while working unobtrusively with the surgical team.

In this very moment, the intense suffering endured by those in medical treatment for their disease is often harrowing, depressing and even life shattering.  In these times of escalating catastrophic illnesses, we must bring Medical Reiki forward as a part of conventional medicine, that will be available to all of us who might want our doctors to add it to our treatment plan.


For the past 20 years Medical Reiki has brought great relief to patients by inducing calm, alleviating pain, instilling confidence and activating a deep sense of well-being, all leading to better outcomes. However, it has only been available in certain hospitals to those who could afford to pay for it.


In order to make Medical Reiki available to everyone, and for medical insurance to pay for it, we need evidence-based proof through scientific research. We ask that you please join our team by making a donation to this urgently needed scientific investigation. The results we are aiming to provide with this research are critical for the sake of us all, and your help will insure a better future for medical patients in what might be your own family, or in families far and wide!

Patient and Nurse

Medical Reiki Facts

1. Reiki is a healing practice originating in Japan that is classified by the National Institute of Health as a form of complementary medicine.

2. Reiki is a therapy based on the biofield, or a type of energy field that “regulates everything from our cellular function to our nervous system.”

3. Reiki has been integrated in the hospital setting with more than 800 hospitals offering it nationwide. These include the Cleveland Clinic, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Spaulding Rehab, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins, The Children’s Hospital, Boston, and the Mayo Clinic.

4. It is used in hospital Emergency Rooms, Pre-Op, Operating Room, Post Op, Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, and Internal Medicine.

5. The benefits of Reiki include: - Stress Reduction - Relaxation - Pain Reduction - Muscle Tension Reduction - Nausea Reduction - Sleep Improvement - Acceleration of Healing.

6. The Cleveland Clinic claims the benefits of Reiki include the following: - Initiates the feeling of security, peace and wellness - Brings a peaceful, deep relaxation - Reduces stress - Stimulates the body’s immune system - Stimulates tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery - Supports the well-being of the client who is receiving medical treatments.

7. The Brigham and Women’s Hospital states: “Our data, based on feedback from patients, family members and staff members who received Reiki sessions, as well as outside research, show that Reiki promotes relaxation, relieves stress and anxiety, reduces pain and fatigue, and improves overall quality of life.”

8. A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, CT showed that Reiki patients had: - Need for less anesthesia - Less bleeding during surgery - Used less pain medications - Shorter stays in the hospital.

9. The Cleveland Clinic utilizes Reiki for the following conditions: cancer, infertility, Parkinson’s disease, psychological illnesses, chronic pain, digestive problems and stressrelated diseases.

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